Check Ups

First Appointments Can be Scary, So Let Us Explain What You Can Expect at Your First Dentist Appointment With Us

There are many reasons you may avoid the dental office. As such, it is not uncommon to have some anxiety and fear about seeing the dentist and especially a "new" dentist. Taking a step through our door is a great step to take! Our whole dental team is committed to making your visit as easy as possible.

We are here to educate, treat disease, prevent future disease, make certain you can eat what you want to eat, and feel confident about your smile. It's okay if it's been a while and your mouth isn't one can change the past. If your oral health was wouldn't need us here!  Don't let your fears affect your future!

Dr. LeQuia and Dr. Hill are here to take care of you and your teeth. Give us a call today to learn more at 209-384-1202.

What Should Happen In The First Visit?

Every individual is unique. As such, not all first visits are the same! Some may be looking for a primary dentist, however, others may have a tooth ache or tooth break, or maybe just want a second opinion. We are here to help YOU! Let our front office know what you need and we will treat you right.

A typical visit involves: 1) Paperwork 2) Data Gathering and 3) Treatment Planning 

1. Paperwork

Debbie or Lecsi will be there to greet you when you step through the door. Before we start looking in your mouth we need to know your health history and what YOU want. Paperwork is a way to make sure all information is communicated properly.

2. Data Gathering

Once we know what you want from your visit, we can get the information we need. This almost always includes imaging with x-rays by Rachel, Ellen or Bertha and looking in your mouth. We then explain our findings so that you easily understand.

3. Treatment Planning

Based on your individual needs...we will fabricate a plan for you. Many first visits will include a professional cleaning as part of the plan with either Nelia, Dina, Coleen or Michelle. Calculus build-up (or tartar) is a bacterial colony that uses water and nutrients found in normal saliva to survive and replicate. This bacteria is VERY similar to the bacteria that cause "hard-water stains" on a faucet, shower-head, toilet bowl, etc. As long as you have saliva in your will be prone to get calculus. If you've ever tried to clean those "hard-water stains," you know a soft-bristle toothbrush isn't going to get the job done.

Many times treatment can be started the same day. Some extensive work may need additional planning. No need to be nervous. If you're not ready for treatment, we can wait a little while. Being prepared and knowing what's going to happen can help calm nerves. However, sometimes nitrous or anti-anxiety medication may be needed too. The treatment planning process allows us to discuss multitude options and allow you to decide.

We’re ready to see you, so call us today at 209-384-1202.

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